I See You? Si Si You! Knee Cue? Pack You!
A resident physician's life is broken up into four week chunk. And just like this post, residency seems like it could go on forever. These four weeks find me in the ICU. My fourth year of medical school was spent thinking I wanted to be an intensivist; a fancy term for the doctor who runs the ICU. I was keen on going through an internal medicine residency then match into a critical care fellowship. Many intensivists make their way via a pulmonary-critical care residency. In the ICU, I am reminded why I was so intrigued by critical care medicine. I am also reminded why I am not planning on a career that involves the ICU. Rare is the Family Medicine doc who would manage a patient in the ICU, these days, anyway. It important to see and gain experience managing diseases at all points in the spectrum. Managing a patient at the beginning of their liver failure journey patient takes on a different urgency once seeing what the ending looks like. Cancer. Renal failure.