
Showing posts from November, 2012

But mom, there are no taste buds in the tummy!

I don't like corn from a can, or frozen corn but I really enjoy corn on the cob. These days I don't drink much soda, but when I do, I will seek out a 12oz can. I will avoid plastic bottles or fountain soda. Glass bottles are okay. I won't wear socks until they're showing any signs of wear. I will buy new ones. Someday soon I will only wear socks a handful of times before I donate them. I refuse to wear pants that have pleats in them. I also refuse to wear a button-up shirt that doesn't have long sleeves. I think rollerblades suck. But, skateboards are cool, dude. I don't like coconut flavors or coconut candy. I love coconut milk curries. If someone asked me what I thought about "reality television" I would try to convey my hatred. But, recently, I realized I like chef and cooking shows which, in general, are just as bad as any other reality television. The fact that I don't have any tattoos or pie