I See Crack

For the past few weeks I've been on a laborist service -- meaning I try to catch as many babies as I can. Here and there I see gynecological patients, as well. Saturdays I cross cover for general surgery, too. So far I've been in more cesarean section procedures than vaginal births. I enjoy C-sections; fast and horrific. It is one thing to remove an infected gallbladder or appendix, it is quite another to cut open a belly and pull a live, squirming person out.

Some people choose family medicine as it gives them opportunities with women's health and obstetrics in a way that no other specialty does. This is not me; and these components of medicine will most likely not play a large part in my eventual practice but nevertheless, it is important to consciously expend energy in areas where we feel less naturally motivated or competent.

This idea of focusing on weakness, as unpleasant as it can be, has been on my mind recently. Kind of one of those things where personal experience and the lessons thereof seem pertinent to society at large. This also ties into why I feel so dismayed and deeply disturbed with the current administration and the agenda that is put forth. A barrage of deceit, while composed of individually easily debunked lies, have an effect on a population -- which is first and foremost -- an attempt to normalize dishonesty. Does anyone actually believe the nonsense the 'commander-in-tweets' spews? Well, some people do, I would guess. Some people think the world is flat, too.  But for the rest of us who are rational, thoughtful citizens, it seems we've gone from amusement, to outrage and now have settled into a sense of acceptance that the constant barrage of propaganda and self-aggrandizement is just how our life is now.

And don't get me wrong, it is not as if we've had a government which has been completely forthcoming and honest in its communication before all of this. This is different though.

Furthermore, I am coming to the point where I am starting to believe that this is may be how the modern American Evangelical Christian sells its soul, as a whole, for lip service from the highest man in the land. It mirrors our society's march to come to value aesthetics, or "optics" over substance, or real tangible, proven value.

Grab 'em by the Pussy? We don't care as long as he makes it harder for women to receive health care.

Multiple divorces, affairs and marrying women much younger than he? We don't care as long as the 'gays' cannot get married.

Bankruptcy and a repeated history of financial fraud? We don't care as long as he cuts taxes for the rich and eliminates health services for the poor.

Referring to white supremacists as "fine people" and black NFL players as "sons of bitches?" We don't care as long as  blind patriotism and indiscriminate support for military spending is encouraged.

Private email servers used in this current administration? We don't care! Lock! Her! UP!

Frequent golf trips to his own properties and self-enrichment? We don't care -- as long as he doesn't look like Obama!

Attacking the 1st amendment? We don't care as long as he lets churches be active in politics and keep their non-taxable status.

Ensure environmental calamity in order to become further dependent on fossil fuels? Sure, as long as my price to 'fill-up' stays the same.

I sense that this ongoing and worsening dichotomy of hypocrisy and blatant power grabbing will push America, in the near-ish future, far from the weird form of American Evangelical Christianity that has taken hold during my lifetime. In many ways I mourn the death of an ideal, while simultaneously celebrating the hard truths that have surfaced. I recently read a long thought out post on Reddit about how Hollywood and the Harvey Weinstein situation is similar to how sexual abuse in the Catholic Church was so pervasive, for so long. I feel a similar analogy can be drawn to mainstream Evangelical Christianity in the United States.

Before I go further, I do feel compelled, even though I think it is obvious, that this is less an indictment on American Christians as a whole -- and more focused on those involved with politics, and those who seek power and money via Christianity. But there is something to be said about those who are complicit and who stay quiet. A few days ago, 45 said that "we are stopping cold the attack on Judeo-Christian values." In a vacuum, with no context, this must sound great to a Christian who lives in America. Unfortunately, I believe that we will be held accountable for knowing the source of such words, and what has been sacrificed in order to hear these words from our dear leader.

For those of you who say 'God can use evil men for good' I ask you how you approached this platitude during the previous administration. I fully believe some of you (us) do not, or at least, try not, to think in absolutes and realize people are dynamic and multifaceted. I try to remind myself of this in the current political climate.

A part of me that thinks we are being trolled on a level never seen before in modern history. Perhaps all of history. Is all of this an effort to dismantle the GOP and their ability to push emotional buttons to ensure that voters consistently vote against their own self-interest? That may be the best outcome from this whole circus show. Unfortunately, I can't say that I much like what is being pushed as a replacement -- fascists, white supremacists, misogynists, conspiracy wackos (and I say that  while at the same time acknowledging that some conspiracies do and have existed) and those who seek to divide on old, tired but powerful tropes. Can this deluge of ridiculous, flimsy propaganda from this administration be carefully crafted to shed light on the swarmy corners of Fox news and Fox news-like propaganda? I mean, it has become harder to believe as time goes, especially when calls to revoke licenses of critical media mouthpieces ratchet up in intensity. But then again, maybe I just don't have the same vision to see exactly how far we need to be pushed in order to be birthed from the womb of complacency.

All of this to give a word of encouragement to all of us, whether you agree with me or not. I implore you to be as self-critical as possible. To not ignore the plank in your own eye, as I am wont to do about the plank that dwells in my own eye. I say to you that unplugging from the television news (fake or not) is a healthy place to start. To venture out of your own comfortable space with aims to build bridges with those unlike you is invigorating and provides perspectives, thoughtfulness and helps in efforts to be slow to anger. I recognize the difficulty that modern culture presents to those who feel their heritage, or family values are being threatened. However, what is built on sand and not solid rock will not stand, and I believe that hypocrisy lives in the spaces between the shifting pieces of sand and acts to pull apart foundations, and can go as far as making ruins out of the most solid looking, stone solid foundations. I see the cracks.


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